Farewell Alice and welcome to Mike and Pierre
In 2021, we have welcomed Mike Robinson and Pierre to the lab.
We also congratulate Alice Servonnet on her thesis defence and departure for a postdoc in New York in the lab of Saleem Nicola.
New publications include:
- SERVONNET A, ALLAIN F, GRAVEL-COUINARD A, HERNANDEZ G, CAPORUSCIO CB, LEGRIX M, LÉVESQUE D, ROMPRÉ PP, SAMAHA AN.. Dopaminergic mechanisms underlying the expression of antipsychotic-induced dopamine supersensitivity in rats. Neuropharmacology. Accepted Manuscript. Author Share Link Valid until 24 September 2021
- ROBINSON, T.E., KHOO, S.Y., FERRARIO, C.R., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2021. Studying dopamine in addiction: the cart should follow the horse. Trends in Neurosciences. Accepted Manuscript.
- GARCEAU, C., SAMAHA, A.N., CORDAHI, T., SERVONNET, A., & KHOO, S.Y. 2021. Metabotropic group II glutamate receptors in the basolateral amygdala mediate cue-triggered increases in incentive motivation. Psychopharmacology. bioRxiv. Dataset.
- SAMAHA, A.N., KHOO, S.Y., FERRARIO, C.R., & ROBINSON, T.E. 2021. Dopamine ‘ups and downs’ in addiction revisited. Trends in Neurosciences. PsyArXiv
- KHOO, S.Y., UHRIG, A., SAMAHA, A.N., & CHAUDHRI, N. 2021. Effects of dopamine receptor antagonism and amphetamine-induced psychomotor sensitization on sign- and goal-tracking after extended training. Behavioural Brain Research. bioRxiv
- SERVONNET, A., UCHIDA, H., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2021. Continuous versus extended antipsychotic dosing in schizophrenia: Less is more. Beahvioural Brain Research. PsyArXiv
- SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Sugar now or cocaine later? Neuropsychopharmacology
- MINOGIANIS, E.A., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Taking Rapid and Intermittent Cocaine Infusions Enhances Both Incentive Motivation for the Drug and Cocaine-induced Gene Regulation in Corticostriatal Regions. Neuroscience
- ALLAIN, F., DELIGNAT-LAVAUD, B., BEAUDOIN, M.P., JACQUEMET, V., ROBINSON, T.E., TRUDEAU, L.E. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Amphetamine maintenance therapy during intermittent cocaine self-administration in rats attenuates psychomotor and dopamine sensitization and reduces addiction-like behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology
- ALLAIN, F. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. [Cocaine peaks and troughs. Modeling pathological drug use in rats]. Med Sci (Paris)
- SERVONNET, A., HERNANDEZ, G., HAGE, C.E., ROMPRE, & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Optogenetic activation of the basolateral amygdala promotes both appetitive conditioning and the instrumental pursuit of reward cues. Journal of Neuroscience
- ALGALLAL, H., ALLAIN, F., NDIAYE, N.A. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Sex differences in cocaine self-administration behaviour under long access versus intermittent access conditions. Addiction Biology
- AMATO, D., KRUYER, A., SAMAHA, A.N., & HEINZ, A. 2019. Hypofunctional Dopamine Uptake and Antipsychotic Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry
- MINOGIANIS, E.A., SERVONNET, A., FILION, M.P., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2019. Role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the dorsal striatum in incentive motivation for cocaine. Behavioural Brain Research
- SERVONNET, A., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2019. Antipsychotic-evoked dopamine supersensitivity. Neuropharmacology