
Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • KHOO SY, SAMAHA AN. 2023. Metabotropic glutamate group II receptor activation in the ventrolateral dorsal striatum supresses incentive motivation for cocaine in rats. Psychopharmacology.

  • SERVONNET A, ROMPRÉ PP, SAMAHA AN. 2023. Optogenetic activation of basolateral amygdala-to-nucleus accumbens core neurons promotes Pavlovian approach responses but not instrumental pursuit of reward cues. Behavioral Brain Research.

  • MINOGIANIS, E.A., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Taking Rapid and Intermittent Cocaine Infusions Enhances Both Incentive Motivation for the Drug and Cocaine-induced Gene Regulation in Corticostriatal Regions. Neuroscience

  • ALLAIN, F. & SAMAHA, A. N. 2019. Revisiting long-access versus short-access cocaine self-administration in rats: intermittent intake promotes addiction symptoms independent of session length. Addiction biology.

  • SAMAHA, A. N. 2014. Can antipsychotic treatment contribute to drug addiction in schizophrenia? Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.